What Is SEO?


If you have the desire to make money online, you need to understand what is SEO. It is one way of structuring your website to where the search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc will give you a higher ranking. Some people often wonder what is SEO? It simply means “search engine optimization”. To make it more simple, make your website so that the search engines find it relevant to the what the user is looking for. When you sit in front of your computer and search for something, you want the results to be as relevant as possible. For example, if you are planning to sell home repair guides in Vancouver, your website should be on the first page of the search results, this can be done by learning a new trade and doing the work yourself, or finding a Vancouver SEO Agency to do the work for you.

Most people will never navigate to the second page of the search results. Some people will only search three pages in total. Your website should be as close to the top as possible.

SEO is more than just keywords and Geek-speak. A search engine is a complex beast. It’s methodical in its own way. Each search engine has a specific function. To optimize your business for the search engines would require close study of how each engine thinks and how it indexes information. Would you rather have a restaurant recommend your food to you, or an herbal practitioner? Search engines are no different. Very few SEO specialists will actually explain exactly how the search engines find information and what criteria they use to categorize your website. The ones that do typically will tell you that the search engines want to deliver relevant results to the user.

This means that the emphasis isn’t just on keywords. SEO means understanding how the search engines view your content and how to make it easy for them to find it and the visitors who are looking for the information you have provided. This is why large companies pay thousands of dollars to “outsource” their SEO. smaller companies can tackle SEO on their own. It takes time- but the effort really pays off. If you want to profit from search engines, you need to make sure that your website is optimized for the search engines. Yes, people can look at your website and see what keywords you are using but search engines aren’t stupid.

By showing up for the wrong search terms, you might end up wasting a lot of time and/or money in the process. You might see a brief burst in sales for a few weeks but your site will plummet as fast as it disappeared. Take the time to think about the types of searches people are using to find the product or service you are offering. Approximately what percentage of your visitors will ultimately buy from you reflects what your keyword selection was based on. You can focus on the terms your visitors will use to find your products or services so that you can effectively drive sales. Can you afford to make mistakes and rumors are spread on the internet simply because you didn’t know exactly how to identify the keywords your visitors use or what they will be searching for to find your website? You can’t make guarantees but you can have a plan – a solid plan that will help you grow your business.

If you want to succeed, you need to have a plan. It is one of the most successful marketing strategies and is used by many online business owners. To have a plan, set goals and end goals. Write them down and create management systems to help you stay on track. It is important to have a base to build from, so that when you achieve the end goal(s), you will be able to measure your success. Not only that, but you will be setting yourself up for the next project. Build a Marketing Machine Once you have your final keywords, your completed SEO campaign and a marketing machine, the next step is to put it all together. It’s time to outrank all your competitors, not just get page one on Google. Search engine optimization does not stop when your website is created. It continues on and on.

Yes, there are many things you can do on your own to increase your search engine ranking, but most of them will have a negative affect on your rank. Unless you develop a complete plan that includes multiple angles to achieving page one, your success is simply not guaranteed. Quality content with backlinks is the number one piece of advice all new website owners have been fed by SEO experts. That’s true in the offline world as well – if you want your business to thrive, then you need quality content and backlinks. Yes, learning about SEO on your own is valuable. However, in the online world, where traffic rules, your success likely depends on how competitive your niche is. If you operate in a very competitive niche, your best bet is to hire a professional who specializes in search engine optimization (SEO).